End of September News!

Thank you to everyone for a super successful September!  Please don't forget that you can still order all the items from our Gold Sponsorship Partners through tomorrow!  Cole's JLab Batcole Buddies Headphones will still be available for order and sale through next year, so make sure you pick up a set for Christmas!  Kinsa will donate 20% of their website sales to the foundation and HP is donating a portion of the sale of their Spectre laptop through the end of September!  Thank you for supporting the Batcole Foundation and our sponsors!

Thank you for a great Batcole weekend, starting with the 2nd Annual Batcole Hot Wheels Nationals!  We quickly sold out of slots for the races, but had tons of fun taking pictures with your cruise-in cars, sipping on lemonade and baked goodies from Cole's buddies at school, and finishing off with a root beer float!  By the end of the evening, over $6400 was raised, and 100% of the donations go directly to kids' cancer research!  Special thanks to Johnny Junxions, Johnny's Signs, Bender Lumber, Shannon & Deb, Jeff Wilson, Salt Creek Brewery, Cole's friends from school-Lilli, Mateo, Will & Addie (and parents!) for hosting this successful event!  We will post pictures from the Hot Wheel Box very soon, so please look at your email for more info!  

The next evening we hosted our 1st Annual Batcole Foundation Hero 5K Run, Walk & Superhero Training Ground!  It was so fun to watch everyone come out and run in honor of our favorite superhero, Cole!  We were so thankful to hear how you found the number 11 on the course, and we were so excited by the end of the night to have someone spot a LEGO in the Boys & Girls Club!  Cole must have approved of the event!  We raised over $5300 and 100% of the donation will go toward kids' cancer research!  Here is some more info on the event and sponsors:  Batcole Run  

If you have any pictures from any of the events, please share them to our Facebook page and follow us for all the Batcole Foundation news!

Carol Winnefeld