November News!

We have had some great events this fall at the Batcole Foundation!  

Our inaugural Batcole Foundation dance marathon was hosted by En Pointe Dance Studio and almost $500 was raised to support the foundation!  The funds raised will be used to support our gift card program and assisting families impacted by kid's cancer!  Thank you to En Pointe and Carlen Guthrie for all of the support!  We can't wait until next year!

Lauren has designed some Santa cards for the upcoming Christmas season!  With a $10 donation, you'll receive a packet of 10 cards to send out to your family and friends!  And, you'll help support the foundation too!  


New Products!

Upcoming Events!


Cole's birthdayof Caring!

Join us on December 15th as we celebrate our hero's 14th birthday!

Carol Winnefeld